All wines are in our wine cellar and can be shipped immediately.
All wines are in our wine cellar and can be shipped immediately.  493025563300

Specialties and delicatessen

Since we import our wines directly, we have good connections to producers in Italy and France, also for coffee and sweets, olive oil and pasta. In this way we can offer you the specialties of small family businesses. Very good pesto and tomato sauce always be found by us. Equally excellent coffee for a perfect Italian espresso.


SW17461 Conchiglie Pasta di semola di grano duro
As we all know, the perfect plate of pasta is as important to Italians as their favourite football team. That's why they choose pasta from producers who achieve near perfection and are best found locally. 
First and foremost, the flour is important: high-quality flour from traditional, local and traceable production. The pasta must have a slightly rough and porous surface to which the sauce adheres better. By drying the dough very slowly, the pasta always remains al dente. Because for pasta lovers, nothing is worse than overcooked pasta. So if you want good pasta, you have to choose an excellent producer. 
We chose Alce Nero, not only because they epitomise everything mentioned above, but also because they work sustainably and organically.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€6.00 / 1 Kilogramm)
Quantity: 9

Ready for shipment, delivery in 1-3 days
SW17460 Spaghetti Pasta di semola di grano duro
As we all know, the perfect plate of pasta is as important to Italians as their favourite football team. That's why they choose pasta from producers who achieve near perfection and are best found locally. 
First and foremost, the flour is important: high-quality flour from traditional, local and traceable production. The pasta must have a slightly rough and porous surface to which the sauce adheres better. By drying the dough very slowly, the pasta always remains al dente. Because for pasta lovers, nothing is worse than overcooked pasta. So if you want good pasta, you have to choose an excellent producer. 
We chose Alce Nero, not only because they epitomise everything mentioned above, but also because they work sustainably and organically.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€6.00 / 1 Kilogramm)
Quantity: 7

Ready for shipment, delivery in 1-3 days
SW17462 Tagliatelle Pasta di semola di grano duro
As we all know, the perfect plate of pasta is as important to Italians as their favourite football team. That's why they choose pasta from producers who achieve near perfection and are best found locally. 
First and foremost, the flour is important: high-quality flour from traditional, local and traceable production. The pasta must have a slightly rough and porous surface to which the sauce adheres better. By drying the dough very slowly, the pasta always remains al dente. Because for pasta lovers, nothing is worse than overcooked pasta. So if you want good pasta, you have to choose an excellent producer. 
We chose Alce Nero, not only because they epitomise everything mentioned above, but also because they work sustainably and organically.

Content: 250 Gramm (€1.20 / 100 Gramm)
Quantity: 8

Ready for shipment, delivery in 1-3 days
SW17458 Fusilli Pasta di semola di grano duro
As we all know, the perfect plate of pasta is as important to Italians as their favourite football team. That's why they choose pasta from producers who achieve near perfection and are best found locally. 
First and foremost, the flour is important: high-quality flour from traditional, local and traceable production. The pasta must have a slightly rough and porous surface to which the sauce adheres better. By drying the dough very slowly, the pasta always remains al dente. Because for pasta lovers, nothing is worse than overcooked pasta. So if you want good pasta, you have to choose an excellent producer. 
We chose Alce Nero, not only because they epitomise everything mentioned above, but also because they work sustainably and organically.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€6.00 / 1 Kilogramm)
Quantity: 8

Ready for shipment, delivery in 1-3 days
SW17459 Penne Rigate Paasta di semola di grano duro
As we all know, the perfect plate of pasta is as important to Italians as their favourite football team. That's why they choose pasta from producers who achieve near perfection and are best found locally. 
First and foremost, the flour is important: high-quality flour from traditional, local and traceable production. The pasta must have a slightly rough and porous surface to which the sauce adheres better. By drying the dough very slowly, the pasta always remains al dente. Because for pasta lovers, nothing is worse than overcooked pasta. So if you want good pasta, you have to choose an excellent producer. 
We chose Alce Nero, not only because they epitomise everything mentioned above, but also because they work sustainably and organically.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€6.00 / 1 Kilogramm)
Quantity: 9

Ready for shipment, delivery in 1-3 days
SW17463 Lasagne Pasta di semola di grano duro
As we all know, the perfect plate of pasta is as important to Italians as their favourite football team. That's why they choose pasta from producers who achieve near perfection and are best found locally. 
First and foremost, the flour is important: high-quality flour from traditional, local and traceable production. The pasta must have a slightly rough and porous surface to which the sauce adheres better. By drying the dough very slowly, the pasta always remains al dente. Because for pasta lovers, nothing is worse than overcooked pasta. So if you want good pasta, you have to choose an excellent producer. 
We chose Alce Nero, not only because they epitomise everything mentioned above, but also because they work sustainably and organically.

Content: 250 Gramm (€1.20 / 100 Gramm)
Quantity: 6

Ready for shipment, delivery in 1-3 days
SW16910 Pesto with basil BIO vegan - with tofu

What is the famous Pesto Genovese called if it is not made in Genova? Quite simple: Pesto al basilico - basil pesto. Because this fantastic pasta sauce consists of 80% basil, of the intensely fragrant variety. Cashew nuts, garlic and extra virgin olive oil round off the taste. Simply mix into the still hot pasta, possibly slightly diluted with a little cooking water from the pasta. Delicious. And it is also lactose-free.


Content: 130 Gramm (€3.85 / 100 Gramm)
Quantity: 7

Ready for shipment, delivery in 1-3 days
SW17464 Pesto alla genovese

A pesto made from basil, extra virgin olive oil, sheep's and parmesan cheese, garlic and cashew nuts. Mix into hot pasta, possibly slightly diluted with a little of the pasta's cooking water. Delicious.


Content: 130 Gramm (€3.85 / 100 Gramm)
Quantity: 4

Ready for shipment, delivery in 1-3 days
SW16912 Organic red pesto with sun-dried tomatoes

A pesto made from sun-dried tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, pecorino and parmesan cheese and a pinch of salt. It is made with organic Italian tomatoes and is characterised by its unique flavour. Mix into hot pasta, possibly slightly diluted with a little of the pasta's cooking water. Delicious.


Content: 130 Gramm (€3.85 / 100 Gramm)
Quantity: 2

Ready for shipment, delivery in 1-3 days
SW16846 Gift box with Etna rosso and pesto
This gift basket contains:  
1 pack of organic penne rigate from Alce Nero. 500gr, enough for 4 portions 
1 bottle of Etna rosso Cantine Valenti 0.75ml. 
1 jar of organic Pesto with basilico 350 gr. 
 1 packet of Tarallini 250 gr. organic savoury crackers from Puglia

Quantity: 7

Ready for shipment, delivery in 1-3 days