Wine documents and our guarantees
We guarantee that you will receive a real wine from the exact vintage specified. The wine has been preserved in optimal condition, comes from perfect storage and is a high-quality, storable wine.
With a little observation, a lot of information can be read from every wine bottle: that the capsule, cork and label are original, how the fill level and the color of the wine are and from the name of the winery it is easy to find out that it is a real wine classic is about an important winery steeped in history.
You will receive this information again in black and white with the wine documents. Printed on fine fine paper, the wine portrait certificate of authenticity and the tasting tips complete the wine gift. These wine documents are included with every vintage wine ordered.

Information about the wine and tasting tips
Each wine comes with our guarantees and wine documents.
On the one hand, this is the description of the wine region and wine with precise information about the winery and the vintage of the wine delivered.
The second document contains our tips for storing and tasting the wine.
If you order a matching wooden box for the wine, the two documents will be placed in the lid.
We know the wines offered at Antik Wein very well
Only classic bottle-aged wines are truly old wines
If you want to give away a wine from a certain vintage, then it should actually be a real, original wine rarity from that year.
We can guarantee you the authenticity of every vintage wine we offer.
What does it mean exactly?
We know the origin of the offered wines The old, original wines offered by Antik Wein come mainly from the cellars of wine merchants. We often take over entire stocks from wine shops (in Italy) or trading houses (in France). This not only guarantees previous, professional storage, but also a homogeneous, high-quality composition of the wine stock.
We know the origin of the offered wines The old, original wines offered by Antik Wein come mainly from the cellars of wine merchants. We often take over entire stocks from wine shops (in Italy) or trading houses (in France). This not only guarantees previous, professional storage, but also a homogeneous, high-quality composition of the wine stock.
These professional wine inventories, in turn, always come from long-ago direct purchases from the wineries.
Sometimes, if available, we buy old wines directly from the wineries. Very seldom do we take over private wine collections, even after careful examination.
We know the wines in detail
Over the years we have held in our hands an immense number of different wines from all vintages.
A normal wine dealer is always limited to a manageable range (e.g. 30 different Bordeaux wines are quite decent). And of course he only knows the current wines of the last vintages by sight. On the other hand, there are often several hundred bottles of one wine in his warehouse.
We mostly deal with small stocks of a certain wine. Often only with a single bottle. Almost all well-known wineries (especially from Bordeaux and Piedmont) have appeared in our wine cellar over time.
The most famous wines such as Mouton Rothschild, Latour or Leoville Las Cases from each vintage.
Of course, we know the details and changes of the capsules, labels and even the bottle shapes.

Wir können Ihnen die Echtheit eines jeden von uns angebotenen Jahrgangsweines garantieren.
Was heißt das genau?
Wir kennen die Herkunft der angebotenen Weine
Die alten, originalen Weine in Angebot von Antik Wein stammen überwiegend aus den Kellern von Weinhändlern. Oft übernehmen wir Gesamtbestände von Enotheken (in Italien) oder Handelshäusern (in Frankreich). Damit ist nicht nur eine vorangegangene, professionelle Lagerung garantiert, sondern auch eine homogene, hochwertige Zusammenstellung des Weinbestandes.
Diese professionellen Weinbestände stammen wiederum stets aus den lang zurückliegenden direkten Einkäufen bei den Weingütern.
Zuweilen kaufen wir, sofern verfügbar, alte Weine auch direkt bei den Weingütern auf. Ganz selten übernehmen wir auch nach genauer Prüfung private Weinsammlungen.
Wir kennen die Weine im Detail
Im Laufe der Jahre haben wir eine immense Zahl verschiedener Weine aus allen Jahrgängen in Händen gehalten.
Ein normaler Weinhändler beschränkt sich immer auf ein überschaubares Sortiment (z.B. sind da 30 verschiedene Bordeaux-Weine ganz ordentlich). Und er kennt natürlich auch nur die aktuellen Weine der letzten Jahrgänge vom Augenschein. Dafür liegen in seinem Lager von einem Wein oft mehrere hundert Flaschen.
Wir haben es zumeist mit Kleinbeständen von einem bestimmten Wein zu tun. Häufig nur mit einer einzigen Flasche. Dafür sind im Laufe der Zeit nahezu alle namhaften Weingüter (vor allem aus Bordeaux und Piemont) in unserem Weinkeller aufgetaucht.
Die berühmtesten Weine wie Mouton Rothschild, Latour oder auch Leoville Las Cases von jedem einzelnen Jahrgang.
Die Einzelheiten und Veränderungen der Kapseln, Etiketten und sogar der Flaschenformen kennen wir dadurch natürlich.